Short Flamechaser Simulation Battle Interactive

Hello everyone!

This week we have a rewrite of the first scene in our visual novel, written up as a Twine interactive first. As we write and develop more of this game, this will work its way into the game. In the meanwhile, if you enjoy it or would like to leave us feedback, please talk to us on the discord here:!

This rewrite was largely inspired by a lot of mecha tabletops like Lancer or Beam Sabers campaigns that I've played through, as well as the Choose Your Own Adventure game Mecha Ace on steam - I was convinced that for visual novels, it would be better to offer many smaller choices and scenes that could be read through in a few minutes and hundreds of words rather than continuous scenes that ran on for fifteen or thirty minutes and thousands of words. Similarly, there's a lot more choices and game mechanics as decision trees in this game - there's multiple endings and scenes, as well as a state screen at the end!

The main feature is the ability to choose your own goals for the game, as well as who you choose to help or ignore inside the simulation.

We hope you enjoy!


Flamechaser Simulation Battle Revision 2.html 490 kB
May 08, 2023

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